Phone: 614-228-4201

Core Value # 2: Use Good Judgement, Always

The second of the 10 core values for the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Research Foundation is Use Good Judgement, Always.Using good judgement, always means that we (the staff, board and volunteers) will strive for excellence in every decision, action and effort – big or small.  Large projects, programs and events are really just a whole bunch of little decisions rolled together to create a big result.  It is important that we don’t get lazy or get comfortable with mediocrity.  In order to host excellent events you have to make the best decisions about every little piece.  This doesn’t require a lot of time, but it does require effort.  As a Rotarian, I like to use the four-way test when deciding if I am using good judgement.  The four-way test asks four simple questions:

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIP?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL TO ALL concerned?

If you can answer yes to all four questions, than you are using good judgement.  Here is an example:  I have been invited to two events, happening at the same time in different corners of the state.  The first one is in Cleveland with a lot of people I associate with presently.  The second is in Cincinnati where I am trying to build relationships.  The event in Cleveland is a social mixer with business leaders and the event in Cincinnati is a fundraiser for St. Judes hospital.  I need to make a decision.  Let’s put the two events to the four-way test.Cleveland:Is it the truth?  This is an event, so yes.  Is it fair to all concerned?  Yes.  Will it build goodwill and better friendships?  It will definitely build better friendships, but there isn’t a goodwill piece to this event.  Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Yes.Cincinnati:Is it the truth?  Again, an event, so yes.  Is it fair to all concerned? Yes.  Will it build goodwill and better friendships?  Yes and Yes – plus NEW friendships.  Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Absolutely.After asking myself the questions, it is obvious that using my best judgement would lead me to the event in Cincinnati…even if that is further from home and I don’t know any of the people there.  Ultimately, it’s not about my comfort – it’s about using good judgement, always.

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